SFSDKWebViewStateManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SFSDKWebViewStateManager.h

+ removeSession

Remove all associated state with WKWebView e.g. Remove Cookies, reset WKProcessPool unless session cookie removal has been disabled.

+ (void)removeSession

Declared In



Disables the crreation/removal of session Cookies. The application can call the respective methods

@property (class, nonatomic, assign, getter=isSessionCookieManagementDisabled) BOOL sessionCookieManagementDisabled

Declared In



Gets or sets an instance of WKProcessPool that will be used during instantiation of any WKWebView instances @discussion Use the default instance or provide an instance to share state between WKWebView instances

@property (class, strong, nonatomic, nullable) WKProcessPool *sharedProcessPool

Declared In


+ resetSessionCookie

Clears session cookie data from the cookie store unless session cookie removal has been disabled.

+ (void)resetSessionCookie

Declared In
