SFSmartStore Class Reference
Inherits from | NSObject |
Declared in | SFSmartStore.h |
Other Methods
The name of this store.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) NSString *NS_SWIFT_NAME ( name )
Declared In
Dictionary with results of last explain query plan
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *lastExplainQueryPlan
Declared In
All of the store names for the current user from this app.
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) NSArray<NSString*> *allStoreNames
Declared In
All of the the global store names from this app.
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) NSArray<NSString*> *allGlobalStoreNames
Declared In
Block used to generate the encryption key. Salesforce recommends using the default encryption key derivation.
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) SFSmartStoreEncryptionKeyGenerator encryptionKeyGenerator
Declared In
+ sharedStoreWithName:
Use this method to obtain a shared store instance with a particular name for the current user.
+ (nullable instancetype)sharedStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName
storeName |
The name of the store. If in doubt, use kDefaultSmartStoreName. |
Return Value
A shared instance of a store with the given name.
Declared In
+ sharedStoreWithName:user:
Use this method to obtain a shared store instance with the given name for the given user.
+ (nullable instancetype)sharedStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName user:(SFUserAccount *)user
storeName |
The name of the store. If in doubt, use kDefaultSmartStoreName. |
user |
The user associated with the store. |
Declared In
+ sharedGlobalStoreWithName:
Use this method to obtain a shared global store instance with the given name. This store will not be specific to a particular user.
+ (instancetype)sharedGlobalStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName
storeName |
The name of the global store to retrieve. |
Declared In
+ removeSharedStoreWithName:
You may use this method to completely remove a persistent shared store with the given name for the current user.
+ (void)removeSharedStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName
storeName |
The name of the store. |
Declared In
+ removeSharedStoreWithName:forUser:
You may use this method to completely remove a persisted shared store with the given name for the given user.
+ (void)removeSharedStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName forUser:(SFUserAccount *)user
storeName |
The name of the store to remove. |
user |
The User Account associated with the store. |
Declared In
+ removeSharedGlobalStoreWithName:
You may use this method to completely remove a persisted global store with the given name.
+ (void)removeSharedGlobalStoreWithName:(NSString *)storeName
storeName |
The name of the global store to remove. |
Declared In
+ removeAllStores
Removes all of the stores for the current user from this app.
+ (void)removeAllStores
Declared In
+ removeAllStoresForUser:
Removes all of the store for the given user from this app.
+ (void)removeAllStoresForUser:(SFUserAccount *)user
user |
The user associated with the stores to remove. |
Declared In
+ removeAllGlobalStores
Removes all of the global stores from this app.
+ (void)removeAllGlobalStores
Declared In
+ setEncryptionKeyGenerator:
Sets a custom block for deriving the encryption key used to encrypt stores.
+ (void)setEncryptionKeyGenerator:(SFSmartStoreEncryptionKeyGenerator)newEncryptionKeyGenerator
newEncryptionKeyGenerator |
The new encryption key derivation block to use with SmartStore. |
WARNING: If you choose to override the encryption key derivation, you must set this value before opening any stores. Setting the value after stores have been opened will result in the corruption and loss of existing data. Also, SmartStore does not use initialization vectors. WARNING
Declared In
– indicesForSoup:
Name of the soup.
- (NSArray<SFSoupIndex*> *)indicesForSoup:(NSString *)soupName
soupName |
Name of the soup. |
Return Value
NSArray of SFSoupIndex for the given soup.
Declared In
– soupExists:
Name of the soup.
- (BOOL)soupExists:(NSString *)soupName
soupName |
Name of the soup. |
Return Value
YES if a soup with the given name already exists.
Declared In
– registerSoup:withIndexSpecs:error:
Creates a new soup or confirms the existence of an existing soup.
- (BOOL)registerSoup:(NSString *)soupName withIndexSpecs:(NSArray<SFSoupIndex*> *)indexSpecs error:(NSError **)error
soupName |
Name of the soup to register. |
indexSpecs |
Array of one or more SFSoupIndex objects. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
YES if the soup is registered or already exists.
Declared In
– countWithQuerySpec:error:
Get the number of entries that would be returned with the given query spec
- (NSNumber *__nullable)countWithQuerySpec:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec error:(NSError **)error
querySpec |
A native query spec. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Declared In
– queryWithQuerySpec:pageIndex:error:
Search for entries matching the given query spec.
- (NSArray *__nullable)queryWithQuerySpec:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec pageIndex:(NSUInteger)pageIndex error:(NSError **)error
querySpec |
A native query spec. |
pageIndex |
The page index to start the entries at (this supports paging). |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
A set of entries given the pageSize provided in the querySpec.
Declared In
– queryWithQuerySpec:pageIndex:whereArgs:error:
Search for entries matching the given query spec with optional “where args” (i.e. bind args) Provided bind args will be substituted to the ? found in the query NB: Bind args are only supported for smart queries
- (NSArray *__nullable)queryWithQuerySpec:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec pageIndex:(NSUInteger)pageIndex whereArgs:(NSArray *__nullable)whereArgs error:(NSError **)error
querySpec |
A native query spec. |
pageIndex |
The page index to start the entries at (this supports paging). |
whereArgs |
The bind args (optional - only supported for smart queries). |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
A set of entries given the pageSize provided in the querySpec.
Declared In
– queryAsString:querySpec:pageIndex:error:
Search for entries matching the given query spec without deserializing any JSON
- (BOOL)queryAsString:(NSMutableString *)resultString querySpec:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec pageIndex:(NSUInteger)pageIndex error:(NSError **)error
resultString |
A mutable string to which the result (serialized) is appended |
querySpec |
A native query spec. |
pageIndex |
The page index to start the entries at (this supports paging). |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
YES if successful
Declared In
Experimental flag to do additional checks when reading back soup entries that use external storage It could be dropped in a future release. Use only if you know what you are doing.
@property (class, nonatomic, assign, getter=isJsonSerializationCheckEnabled) BOOL jsonSerializationCheckEnabled
Declared In
– retrieveEntries:fromSoup:
Search soup for entries exactly matching the soup entry IDs.
- (NSArray<NSDictionary*> *)retrieveEntries:(NSArray<NSNumber*> *)soupEntryIds fromSoup:(NSString *)soupName
soupEntryIds |
An array of opaque soup entry IDs. |
soupName |
The name of the soup to query. |
Return Value
An array with zero or more entries matching the input IDs. Order is not guaranteed.
Declared In
– upsertEntries:toSoup:
Insert/update entries to the soup. Insert vs. update will be determined by the internal soup entry ID generated from intial entry. If you want to specify a different identifier for determining existing entries, use upsertEntries:toSoup:withExternalIdPath:
- (NSArray<NSDictionary*> *)upsertEntries:(NSArray<NSDictionary*> *)entries toSoup:(NSString *)soupName
entries |
The entries to insert or update. |
soupName |
The name of the soup to update. |
Return Value
The array of updated entries in the soup.
Declared In
– upsertEntries:toSoup:withExternalIdPath:error:
Insert/update entries to the soup. Insert vs. update will be determined by the specified external ID path argument.
- (NSArray *_Nullable)upsertEntries:(NSArray *)entries toSoup:(NSString *)soupName withExternalIdPath:(NSString *)externalIdPath error:(NSError **)error
entries |
The entries to insert or update. |
soupName |
The name of the soup to update. |
externalIdPath |
The user-defined query spec path used to determine insert vs. update. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
The array of updated entries in the soup.
Declared In
– lookupSoupEntryIdForSoupName:forFieldPath:fieldValue:error:
Look up the ID for an entry in a soup.
- (NSNumber *__nullable)lookupSoupEntryIdForSoupName:(NSString *)soupName forFieldPath:(NSString *)fieldPath fieldValue:(NSString *)fieldValue error:(NSError **)error
soupName |
Soup name. |
fieldPath |
Field path. |
fieldValue |
Field value. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
The ID of the specified soup entry.
Declared In
– removeEntries:fromSoup:error:
Remove soup entries exactly matching the soup entry IDs.
- (BOOL)removeEntries:(NSArray<NSNumber*> *)entryIds fromSoup:(NSString *)soupName error:(NSError **)error
entryIds |
An array of opaque soup entry IDs from _soupEntryId. |
soupName |
The name of the soup from which to remove the soup entries. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
YES if no error occurs
Declared In
– removeEntries:fromSoup:
Remove soup entries exactly matching the soup entry IDs.
- (void)removeEntries:(NSArray<NSNumber*> *)entryIds fromSoup:(NSString *)soupName
entryIds |
An array of opaque soup entry IDs from _soupEntryId. |
soupName |
The name of the soup from which to remove the soup entries. |
Declared In
– removeEntriesByQuery:fromSoup:error:
Remove soup entries returned by the given query spec. NB: A single SQL call is executed to improve performance.
- (BOOL)removeEntriesByQuery:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec fromSoup:(NSString *)soupName error:(NSError **)error
querySpec |
Query returning entries to delete (if querySpec uses smartSQL, it must select soup entry ids). |
soupName |
The name of the soup from which to remove the soup entries. |
error |
Sets/returns any error generated as part of the process. |
Return Value
YES if no error occurs
Declared In
– removeEntriesByQuery:fromSoup:
Remove soup entries returned by the given query spec. NB: A single SQL call is executed to improve performance.
- (void)removeEntriesByQuery:(SFQuerySpec *)querySpec fromSoup:(NSString *)soupName
querySpec |
Query returning entries to delete (if querySpec uses smartSQL, it must select soup entry ids). |
soupName |
The name of the soup from which to remove the soup entries. |
Declared In
– clearSoup:
Remove all elements from soup.
- (void)clearSoup:(NSString *)soupName
soupName |
The name of the soup to clear. |
Declared In
– removeSoup:
Remove soup completely from the store.
- (void)removeSoup:(NSString *)soupName
soupName |
The name of the soup to remove from the store. |
Declared In
– getDatabaseSize
Return database file size.
- (unsigned long long)getDatabaseSize
Return Value
Database size, in bytes.
Declared In
– alterSoup:withIndexSpecs:reIndexData:
Alter soup indexes.
- (BOOL)alterSoup:(NSString *)soupName withIndexSpecs:(NSArray<SFSoupIndex*> *)indexSpecs reIndexData:(BOOL)reIndexData
soupName |
The name of the soup to alter. |
indexSpecs |
Array of one ore more SFSoupIndex objects to replace existing index specs. |
reIndexData |
pass true if you want existing records to be re-indexed for new index specs. |
Return Value
YES if the soup was altered successfully.
Declared In
– reIndexSoup:withIndexPaths:
Reindex a soup.
- (BOOL)reIndexSoup:(NSString *)soupName withIndexPaths:(NSArray<NSString*> *)indexPaths
soupName |
The name of the soup to alter. |
indexPaths |
Array of on ore more paths to be reindexed. |
Return Value
YES if soup reindexing succeeded.
Declared In
– getRuntimeSettings
Return SQLCipher runtime settings
- (NSArray *)getRuntimeSettings
Return Value
An array with all the compile options used to build SQL Cipher.
Declared In
– getCompileOptions
Return SQLCipher compile options
- (NSArray *)getCompileOptions
Return Value
An array with all the compile options used to build SQL Cipher.
Declared In
– getSQLCipherVersion
Return SQLCipher version
- (NSString *)getSQLCipherVersion
Return Value
The version of SQL Cipher in use.
Declared In
– resumeLongOperations
Complete long operations that were interrupted.
- (void)resumeLongOperations
Declared In
– isFileDataProtectionActive
This property is updated when notifications are received for UIApplicationProtectedDataDidBecomeAvailable and UIApplicationProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable events. Note that on the simulator currently, data protection is NEVER active.
- (BOOL)isFileDataProtectionActive
Return Value
YES if file data protection (full passcode-based encryption) is available.
Declared In
– allSoupNames
Return all soup names.
- (NSArray<NSString*> *)allSoupNames
Return Value
Array containing all soup names.
Declared In
+ dateFromLastModifiedValue:
Creates a date object from the last modified date column value, which is numeric.
+ (NSDate *)dateFromLastModifiedValue:(NSNumber *)lastModifiedValue
lastModifiedValue |
The numeric value of the date stored in the soup entry. |
Return Value
The NSDate representation of the last modified date.
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Extension Methods
– openStoreDatabase
Simply open the db file.
- (BOOL)openStoreDatabase
Return Value
YES if we were able to open the DB file.
Declared In
– createMetaTables
Create soup index map table to keep track of soups' index specs (SOUP_INDEX_MAP_TABLE) Create soup attributes table to keep track of soups' attributes specs (e.g. external blobs storage) and maps arbitrary soup names to soup table names (SOUP_ATTRS_TABLE)
- (BOOL)createMetaTables
Return Value
YES if we were able to create the meta tables, NO otherwise.
Declared In
– createLongOperationsStatusTable
Create long operations status table (LONG_OPERATIONS_STATUS_TABLE)
- (BOOL)createLongOperationsStatusTable
Return Value
YES if we were able to create the table, NO otherwise.
Declared In
– registerSoupWithName:withIndexSpecs:withSoupTableName:withDb:
Register the soup
- (void)registerSoupWithName:(NSString *)soupName withIndexSpecs:(NSArray *)indexSpecs withSoupTableName:(NSString *)soupTableName withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
soupName |
The name of the soup to register |
indexSpecs |
Array of one ore more IndexSpec objects as dictionaries |
soupTableName |
The name of the table to use for the soup |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Declared In
– tableNameForSoup:withDb:
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }]
- (NSString *)tableNameForSoup:(NSString *)soupName withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
The soup table name from SOUP_ATTRS_TABLE, based on soup name.
Declared In
– indicesForSoup:withDb:
the name of the soup
- (NSArray *)indicesForSoup:(NSString *)soupName withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
soupName |
the name of the soup |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
NSArray of SFSoupIndex for the given soup
Declared In
– reIndexSoup:withIndexPaths:withDb:
Helper method re-index a soup.
- (BOOL)reIndexSoup:(NSString *)soupName withIndexPaths:(NSArray *)indexPaths withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
soupName |
The soup to re-index |
indexPaths |
Array of one ore more IndexSpec objects as dictionaries |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
YES if the insert was successful, NO otherwise.
Declared In
– insertIntoTable:values:withDb:
Helper method to insert values into an arbitrary table.
- (void)insertIntoTable:(NSString *)tableName values:(NSDictionary *)map withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
tableName |
The table to insert the data into. |
map |
A dictionary of key-value pairs to be inserted into table. |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Declared In
– updateTable:values:entryId:idCol:withDb:
Helper method to update existing values in a table.
- (void)updateTable:(NSString *)tableName values:(NSDictionary *)map entryId:(NSNumber *)entryId idCol:(NSString *)idCol withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
tableName |
The name of the table to update. |
map |
The column name/value mapping to update. |
entryId |
The ID value used to determine what to update. |
idCol |
The name of the ID column |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Declared In
– queryTable:forColumns:orderBy:limit:whereClause:whereArgs:withDb:
Helper to query table
- (FMResultSet *)queryTable:(NSString *)table forColumns:(NSArray *)columns orderBy:(NSString *)orderBy limit:(NSString *)limit whereClause:(NSString *)whereClause whereArgs:(NSArray *)whereArgs withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
table |
Table |
columns |
Column names |
orderBy |
Order by column |
limit |
Limit |
whereClause |
Where clause |
whereArgs |
Arguments to where clause |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
Declared In
– columnNameForPath:inSoup:withDb:
Path of interest
- (NSString *)columnNameForPath:(NSString *)path inSoup:(NSString *)soupName withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
path |
Path of interest |
soupName |
name of the soup |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
The column name for the given path if indexed or nil otherwise.
Declared In
– hasIndexForPath:inSoup:withDb:
Path of interest
- (BOOL)hasIndexForPath:(NSString *)path inSoup:(NSString *)soupName withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
path |
Path of interest |
soupName |
name of the soup |
db |
This method is expected to be called from [fmdbqueue inDatabase:^(){ … }] |
Return Value
YES if the given path is indexed or NO otherwise.
Declared In
– currentTimeInMilliseconds
Similar to System.currentTimeMillis: time in ms since Jan 1 1970 Used for timestamping created and modified times.
- (NSNumber *)currentTimeInMilliseconds
Return Value
The current number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970.
Declared In
+ encKey
The key used to encrypt the store.
+ (NSString *)encKey
Return Value
The key used to encrypt the store.
Declared In
+ salt
The key used to encrypt the store for shared mode. Sqlite headers are maintained in plain text for database.
+ (NSString *)salt
Return Value
The key used to encrypt the store for shared mode. Sqlite headers are maintained in plain text for database.
Declared In
+ clearSharedStoreMemoryState
FOR UNIT TESTING. Removes all of the shared smart store objects from memory (persisted stores remain).
+ (void)clearSharedStoreMemoryState
Declared In
+ stringFromInputStream:
+ (NSString *)stringFromInputStream:(NSInputStream *)inputStream
Return Value
string decoded from the specified input stream
Declared In
– convertSmartSql:
Convert smart sql to sql.
- (NSString *)convertSmartSql:(NSString *)smartSql
smartSql |
The smart sql to convert. |
Return Value
The sql.
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– removeFromCache:
Remove soup from cache
- (void)removeFromCache:(NSString *)soupName
soupName |
The name of the soup to remove |
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– getLongOperations
unfinished long operations
- (NSArray *)getLongOperations
Return Value
unfinished long operations
Declared In
– executeQueryThrows:withDb:
Execute query Log errors and throw exception in case of error
- (FMResultSet *)executeQueryThrows:(NSString *)sql withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
Declared In
– executeQueryThrows:withArgumentsInArray:withDb:
Execute query Log errors and throw exception in case of error
- (FMResultSet *)executeQueryThrows:(NSString *)sql withArgumentsInArray:(NSArray *)arguments withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
Declared In
– executeUpdateThrows:withDb:
Execute update Log errors and throw exception in case of error
- (void)executeUpdateThrows:(NSString *)sql withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
Declared In
– executeUpdateThrows:withArgumentsInArray:withDb:
Execute update Log errors and throw exception in case of error
- (void)executeUpdateThrows:(NSString *)sql withArgumentsInArray:(NSArray *)arguments withDb:(FMDatabase *)db
Declared In
– checkRawJson:fromMethod:
Check that the given raw JSON string represents valid JSON. Note: If the jsonSerializationCheckEnabled property is set to NO, this method will always return YES (i.e. that the result is valid).
- (BOOL)checkRawJson:(NSString *)rawJson fromMethod:(NSString *)fromMethod
rawJson |
The raw JSON string to validate. |
fromMethod |
The method making the call (for logging purposes on failure). |
Return Value
YES if the JSON string is valid JSON, NO otherwise.
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