public interface


implements Serializable
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

An article summary represents the metadata for a single article.

Note that translations of an article will share the same article ID and number, but may contain different content.


Public Methods
abstract String getArticleId()
The article ID is a globally unique Salesforce identifier for this article.
abstract String getArticleNumber()
The article number is an incrementing numeric identifier for articles within your organization in String format.
abstract Date getLastPublished()
Retrieves the date when the article was last published to Salesforce Knowledge.
abstract String getSummary()
The summary or short synopsis for the article.
abstract String getTitle()
The title or main heading for the article.
abstract String getUrlName()
Retrieves the unique URL name for the article, chosen by the author of the article.

Public Methods

public abstract String getArticleId ()

The article ID is a globally unique Salesforce identifier for this article. An example ID is kA0P000000004SzKAI.

  • The unique identifier for this article.

public abstract String getArticleNumber ()

The article number is an incrementing numeric identifier for articles within your organization in String format. An example article number is 000001024.

  • The article number.

public abstract Date getLastPublished ()

Retrieves the date when the article was last published to Salesforce Knowledge.

  • The date when the article was last published.

public abstract String getSummary ()

The summary or short synopsis for the article.

  • The article's summary.

public abstract String getTitle ()

The title or main heading for the article.

  • The article title.

public abstract String getUrlName ()

Retrieves the unique URL name for the article, chosen by the author of the article.

  • The url name for the article.