Interface Template

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Template

A representation of the physical layout of generated code.

A Template class defines what the generated code should look like. It can accept injected state and use that state to dynamically generate source code.

Tim Kral

Method Summary
 void injectView(String viewName, Object viewState)
          Inject view state into a Template.
 void reset()
          Removes all previously injected view state from a Template.
 void write(Writer writer)
          Writes a Template along with any injected view state to the given Writer.

Method Detail


void injectView(String viewName,
                Object viewState)
Inject view state into a Template.

A Template should recognize view state by a name. Thereforce, this method will inject the given view state object for the given name.

viewName - the name of the view state
viewState - the view state object


void reset()
Removes all previously injected view state from a Template.


void write(Writer writer)
           throws IOException
Writes a Template along with any injected view state to the given Writer.

writer - a Java Writer to which the Template and its view state should be written
IOException - if there is an error writing to the Java Writer

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