Package com.force.sdk.jpa

Class Summary
BaseEntity Utility for allowing merges on transient objects, i.e.
ForceConnectionFactory Factory for creating connections to the service.
ForceEntityManager This is the main EntityManager for the JPA implementation.
ForceEntityManagerFactory Factory for creating the ForceEntityManager.
ForceEntityTransactionImpl specific transactions.
ForceFetchFieldManager Field manager for retrieving records from
ForceInsertFieldManager Field manager for updating records.
ForceJPAStateManagerImpl This class is currently only used as a marker to distinguish from JPAStateManagerImpl.
ForceManagedConnection Managed connection class that delegates to the ForceServiceConnector.
ForceMetaDataListener Our own version of a MetaDataListener that does all of the registration and setup needed when an application starts.
ForceMetaDataManager Custom Metadata Manager so we can control the timing of object and field creation.
ForceObjectManagerImpl Object manager that manages the objects being created, updated, or deleted.
ForcePersistenceHandler Persistence handler that handles all CRUD operations and translates them into SOQL calls.
ForcePluginRegistry This is a bit of a hack just to give us the ability to swap out the MetaDataManager, since DataNucleus doesn't provide us with an easy way of specifying our own.
ForceStoreManager The store manager that holds all of the persistence.xml properties.
NativeConnection Connection class that provides connections to each API (SOAP, Metadata, and Bulk).
PersistenceProviderImpl This class allows us to provide the ForceEntityManagerFactory.
PersistenceUtils Class for general utility methods needed while persisting and retrieving objects.

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