Package com.force.sdk.jpa.query

Interface Summary
QueryListener QueryListeners can be added to Query objects to give access to the converted SOQL query.
QueryNotifier Interface that allows JDOQLQuery and JPQLQuery objects to support listeners.

Class Summary
CollectionParameter Use this class to encapsulate collection parameters.
ExpressionBuilderHelper Helper class for building the WHERE clause in SOQL queries.
ForceQueryUtils This class contains the bulk of the logic for building SOQL queries based on the java query object.
JDOQLQuery Extension of AbstractJDOQLQuery to apply result restrictions.
JPQLPartialCompiler This is a utility class that will compile JPQL query fragments into expression for use.
JPQLQuery Extension of AbstractJPQLQuery to apply result restrictions.
QueryHints Constants for available SOQL query hints.
ResultMetaDataROF ResultObjectFactory that operates using a QueryResultMetaData and returns objects based on the definition.
SOQLDateFormatUtil Util class for formatting dates in the form that SOQL expects.
SOQLQuery Query class that represents SOQL queries.
TupleName This is a conveneient class to maintain short and long names for a tuple i.e.

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