Type Alias AgentCreateConfig

AgentCreateConfig: DraftAgentTopicsBody & {
    agentSettings?: {
        agentApiName?: string;
        agentName: string;
        enrichLogs?: boolean;
        plannerId?: string;
        primaryLanguage?: "en_US";
        tone?: AgentTone;
        userId?: string;
    generationInfo: { defaultInfo: { preDefinedTopics?: DraftAgentTopics } };
    saveAgent?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • OptionalagentSettings?: {
        agentApiName?: string;
        agentName: string;
        enrichLogs?: boolean;
        plannerId?: string;
        primaryLanguage?: "en_US";
        tone?: AgentTone;
        userId?: string;

    Settings for the agent being created. Needed only when saveAgent=true

    • OptionalagentApiName?: string

      The API name to use for the Agent metadata to be created.

    • agentName: string

      The name to use for the Agent metadata to be created.

    • OptionalenrichLogs?: boolean

      Store conversation transcripts, including end-user data, in event logs for this agent for troubleshooting. If false, conversation data is replaced with, "Sensitive data not available."

      Default: false

    • OptionalplannerId?: string

      The GenAiPlanner metadata ID if already created in the org.

    • OptionalprimaryLanguage?: "en_US"

      The language your agent uses in conversations. Agent currently supports English only.

      Default: en_US

    • Optionaltone?: AgentTone

      The conversational style of your agent's responses. Can be one of: formal, casual, or neutral.

      Default: casual

    • OptionaluserId?: string

      User ID of an existing user.

      Determines what this agent can access and do. If your agent uses features or objects that require additional permissions, assign a custom user.

  • generationInfo: { defaultInfo: { preDefinedTopics?: DraftAgentTopics } }
  • OptionalsaveAgent?: boolean

    Whether to persist the agent creation in the org (true) or preview what would be created (false).

    Default: false