Function parseJsonMap

  • Parse JSON string data, expecting the result to be a JsonMap.

    const json = parseJson(myJsonString);
    // typeof json -> AnyJson

    If you are the producer of the JSON being parsed or have a high degree of confidence in the source of the JSON (e.g. static resources in your project or unwavering data services of high integrity) then you may provide a more specific type as the type parameter, T. This practice is not recommended unless you are fully confident in the ability of the type provided to accurately reflect the parsed data, given that no runtime checks will be performed by this method to validate the JSON. In particular, despite the fact that the provided type must extend JsonMap, it is possible to circumvent the compiler's ability to do strict null checking by failing to capture undefined or null property states in the types you apply. It's a best practice to mark all properties of such types as optional, especially when in doubt.

    interface Location extends JsonMap { lat: number; lng: number; }
    interface WayPoint extends JsonMap { name: string; loc: Location; }
    const json = JSON.stringify({ name: 'Bill', loc: { lat: 10.0, lng: -10.0 } });
    // Warning -- since the properties in the interfaces above are non-optional, the type assertion below is not
    // perfectly type-sound -- make sure you trust your JSON data exactly conforms to the interface(s) you supply,
    // or you are risking runtime errors!
    const wayPoint = parseJsonMap<WayPoint>(json);
    // typeof wayPoint -> WayPoint

    Type Parameters

    • T extends JsonMap = JsonMap


    • data: string

      The string data to parse.

    • OptionaljsonPath: string

      The file path from which the JSON was loaded.

    • OptionalthrowOnEmpty: boolean

      If the data contents are empty.

    Returns T

    JsonParseError If the data contents are empty or the data is invalid.

    JsonDataFormatError If the data contents are not a JsonMap.