Aggregate global and local project config files, as well as environment variables for config.json. The resolution happens in the following bottom-up order:

  1. Environment variables (SF_LOG_LEVEL)
  2. Workspace settings (<workspace-root>/.sf/config.json)
  3. Global settings ($HOME/.sf/config.json)

Use ConfigAggregator.create to instantiate the aggregator.

const aggregator = await ConfigAggregator.create();



  • Get all resolved config property keys, values, locations, and paths.

    > console.log(aggregator.getConfigInfo());
    { key: 'logLevel', val: 'INFO', location: 'Environment', path: '$SF_LOG_LEVEL'}
    { key: 'target-org', val: '<username>', location: 'Local', path: './.sf/config.json'}

    Returns ConfigInfo[]

  • Get a resolved config property. If a property is deprecated, it will try to use the the new key, if there is a config there.


    • key: string

      The key of the property.

    • throwOnDeprecation: boolean = false

      True, if you want an error throw when reading a deprecated config

    Returns ConfigInfo

  • Gets a resolved config property location.

    For example, getLocation('logLevel') will return:

    1. Location.GLOBAL if resolved to an environment variable.
    2. Location.LOCAL if resolved to local project config.
    3. Location.ENVIRONMENT if resolved to the global config.


    • key: string

      The key of the property.

    Returns Optional<Location>

  • Get a resolved file path or environment variable name of the property.

    For example, getPath('logLevel') will return:

    1. $SF_LOG_LEVEL if resolved to an environment variable.
    2. ./.sf/config.json if resolved to the local config.
    3. ~/.sf/config.json if resolved to the global config.
    4. undefined, if not resolved.

    Note: that the path returned may be the absolute path instead of relative paths such as ./ and ~/.


    • key: string

      The key of the property.

    Returns Optional<string>

  • Get a resolved config property meta. If the property is deprecated, it will return the new key's meta, if it exists, with a deprecation warning

    Throws SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' } An attempt to get a property that's not supported.


    • key: string

      The key of the property.

    Returns ConfigPropertyMeta

  • Get a resolved config property. If you use a deprecated property, a warning will be emitted and it will attempt to resolve the new property's value

    Throws SfError{ name: 'UnknownConfigKeyError' } An attempt to get a property that's not supported.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends AnyJson


    • key: string

      The key of the property.

    Returns Optional<T>

  • Initialize this instances async dependencies.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters


    • this: (new (options?) => T)
        • new (options?): T
        • Parameters

          • Optional options: P

          Returns T

    • Optional options: P

    Returns Promise<T>