Helper class for dealing with the settings that are defined in a scratch definition file. This class knows how to extract the settings from the definition, how to expand them into a MD directory and how to generate a package.xml.


  • Parameters

    • Optional options: {
          asDirectory?: boolean;
          capitalizeRecordTypes?: boolean;
          mdApiTmpDir?: string;
          shapeDirName?: string;
      • Optional asDirectory?: boolean
      • Optional capitalizeRecordTypes?: boolean
      • Optional mdApiTmpDir?: string
      • Optional shapeDirName?: string

    Returns default


  • Create temporary deploy directory used to upload the scratch org shape. This will create the dir, all of the .setting files and minimal object files needed for objectSettings

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deploys the settings to the org.


    • scratchOrg: Org
    • apiVersion: string
    • timeout: Duration = ...

    Returns Promise<void>

  • extract the settings from the scratch def file, if they are present.


    Returns Promise<{
        objectSettings: undefined | {
            [objectName: string]: ObjectSetting;
        settings: undefined | Record<string, unknown>;