Org Fields.

Enumeration Members

ALIAS: "alias"

The org alias.

CREATED: "created"
CREATED_ORG_INSTANCE: "createdOrgInstance"

The Salesforce instance the org was created on. e.g. cs42.

DEV_HUB_USERNAME: "devHubUsername"

The username of the dev hub org that created this org. Only populated for scratch orgs.

INSTANCE_NAME: "instanceName"
INSTANCE_URL: "instanceUrl"

The full url of the instance the org lives on.

IS_DEV_HUB: "isDevHub"

Is the current org a dev hub org. e.g. They have access to the ScratchOrgInfo object.

IS_SANDBOX: "isSandbox"

Is the current org a sandbox (not a scratch org on a non-prod instance), but an actual Sandbox org). e.g. Organization has IsSandbox == true and TrialExpirationDate == null.

IS_SCRATCH: "isScratch"

Is the current org a scratch org. e.g. Organization has IsSandbox == true and TrialExpirationDate != null.

LOGIN_URL: "loginUrl"

The login url of the org. e.g. or

NAME: "name"
NAMESPACE_PREFIX: "namespacePrefix"
ORG_ID: "orgId"

The org ID.

SNAPSHOT: "snapshot"

The snapshot used to create the scratch org.

STATUS: "status"

The OrgStatus of the org.

TRACKS_SOURCE: "tracksSource"

true: the org supports and wants source tracking false: the org opted out of tracking or can't support it

TRIAL_EXPIRATION_DATE: "trailExpirationDate"