SandboxTypes: {
    CONFIG: SinonSandbox;
    CONNECTION: SinonSandbox;
    CRYPTO: SinonSandbox;
    DEFAULT: SinonSandbox;
    FS: SinonSandbox;
    ORGS: SinonSandbox;
    PROJECT: SinonSandbox;

Different parts of the system that are mocked out. They can be restored for individual tests. Test's stubs should always go on the DEFAULT which is exposed on the TestContext.

Type declaration

  • CONFIG: SinonSandbox
  • CONNECTION: SinonSandbox
  • CRYPTO: SinonSandbox
  • DEFAULT: SinonSandbox
  • FS: SinonSandbox
  • ORGS: SinonSandbox
  • PROJECT: SinonSandbox