

AgentListener Listener interface for retrieving agent information during a chat session. 
ChatBotListener Listener interface for receiving menus from a Chat Bot. 
ChatClient ChatClient enables the interaction with the Chat Session. 
FileTransferAssistant Enables sending a file to an Agent, which will be attached to a support case. 
FileTransferRequestListener Listener interface for handling File Transfer Requests from an Agent. 
QueueListener Listener interface for retrieving queue position updates while connecting to a chat session. 
SessionInfoListener Listener interface for receiving information about the current Chat session. 
SessionStateListener Listener interface for receiving Chat session state and the reason for why a Chat session has ended. 


ChatAnalytics ChatAnalytics contains identifying information for analytics data that is relayed via the API. 
ChatConfiguration Configuration options for Service SDK Chat. 
ChatCore Entry point for configuring and creating a Service SDK Chat Session.