Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Salesforce ISV Technical Enablment Plugin?

A: Salesforce ISV Technical Enablment Plugin (ISVTE Plugin) is a Salesforce CLI plugin that helps developers take full advantage of the Salesforce Platform while avoiding potential pitfalls.

The plugin generates a detailed inventory of your application metadata. Based on that, it identifies helpful resources, relevant alerts and other best practices. You can run the plugin on-command in the CLI, or integrate it into your CI/CD framework so you can run it against every code change.

Q: What else do I need before I can use ISVTE Plugin?

A: The ISVTE Plugin requires you to install the Salesforce CLI on your computer. Then you can install the ISVTE Plugin with the command sfdx plugins:install isvte-sfdx-plugin. See Getting Started for more information.

Q: How do I update the ISVTE Plugin?

A: Update the plugin to the latest version by following the instructions listed here

Q: Is ISVTE Plugin part of the App Exchange security review process?

A: The ISVTE Plugin can help you with the security review process by guiding you toward security best practices, but it is not a part of the overall process

Q: How do I add new rules?

A: Check the Extending the Plugin section for information on how the plugin rules work and how to create your own.

Q: How can I use ISVTE Plugin in my CI/CD?

A: You can use the sfdx isvte:mdscan command in any scripts used by your CI/CD. You’ll also probably want to do the following:

  • Use the --json flag to create the report as a JSON object which can be acted upon programatically.
  • Or pipe the output to a text file so you can retain an artifact of the execution sfdx isvte:mdscan -d metadata | out.txt.

Q: How do I run the ISVTE Plugin against an sfdx project?

A: The ISVTE Plugin starts its work based on a package.xml file and so it natively supports metadata format, not sfdx source format. If you’re using an sfdx project, you can either pass your own package.xml using the -p flag or you can convert your app to metadata format using the sfdx command sfdx force:source:convert.

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