Salesforce ISVTE Plugin Command Reference
Salesforce ISVTE Plugin Command Reference
sfdx isvte:mdscan
Scans the package contained in the specified directory and generates a report.
$ sfdx isvte:mdscan [-d <directory>] [-p <string>] [-y] [-s <array>] [-t] [--minapi <integer>] [--json] [--loglevel
-d, --sourcefolder=sourcefolder [default: mdapiout] directory containing package metadata
-p, --sfdxpackagexml=sfdxpackagexml path to a package.xml file if current folder is a SFDX Project
-s, --suppress=suppress comma separated list of items to suppress.
Valid options are: ZeroInventory, Inventory, Enablement, Quality, Alerts,
Warnings, API
-t, --techadoption Show Tech Adoption calculation for Trailblazer scoring
-y, --showfullinventory show package inventory only
--json format output as json
--loglevel=(trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL) [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation
--minapi=minapi [default: 43] minimum api version to use during quality checks
Scan a package and provide inventory of monitored metadata items and enablement messages:
$sfdx isvte:mdscan -d ./mdapi
Scan a package using a SFDX project and a package.xml file:
$sfdx isvte:mdscan -d ./force-app/main/default -p ./config/package.xml
Scan a package and provide a complete inventory of package metadata:
$sfdx isvte:mdscan -d ./mdapi -y
Do not display alerts and warnings:
$sfdx isvte:mdscan -d ./mdapi -s alerts,warnings
Display the help message:
$sfdx isvte:mdscan -h