Supporting Org Migrations

Supporting Org Migrations

Customer Org Migrations

The ISVTE Plugin can and will identify exceptions to best practices that impact Org Migrations.

In particular, Hyperforce has strict requirements against having Hard-coded URLs within your application. A Hyperforce migration will fail if a HardCoded URL exists within your package.

When you run the ISVTE Plugin against your package, pay close attention to the best practice alert “Do Not use Hard-Coded URLs to access Salesforce Orgs.”

This particular check looks through your code and identifies URLs that include Salesforce instance names. Follow the instructions here to fix those links and ensure that your customers are able to use Hyperforce.

=== Quality Rules:
Do Not use Hard-Coded URLs to access Salesforce Orgs:
Hard-Coded URLs which reference instance names like can cause customer org migrations to fail. Use <mydomain> or instead
Components: ConnApp2, unfiled$public/ClassicCustom, unfiled$public/ClassicHTML, unfiled$public/ClassicText, unfiled$public/ClassicVF, NC1, RSS1, rss2

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