

What is RetireJS?

RetireJS is an engine that analyzes a project’s third-party JavaScript dependencies and identifies security vulnerabilities. It has a thriving community, and its database of vulnerable libraries is updated frequently.

How does Salesforce Code Analyzer use RetireJS?

Salesforce Code Analyzer (Code Analyzer) uses RetireJS to scan for vulnerable third-party libraries that are bundled into a project.

Files representing vulnerable dependencies are detected in three ways:

  • By their name
  • By examining their content
  • By examining the contents of ZIP

For example, this command scans MyProject for vulnerable third-party libraries.

$ sfdx scanner:run --engine retire-js --target '/path/to/MyProject' --format csv

If MyProject contains MyProject/lorem/ipsum/jquery-3.1.0.min.js, it’s identified as a vulnerability.

If you rename the file to SomeGenericFile.js or jquery.resource, or if you hide it within a ZIP file such as, Code Analyzer still identifies the vulnerable library and reports it as a violation.

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