Salesforce Code Analyzer Command Reference

Salesforce Code Analyzer Command Reference

sfdx scanner:rule:remove

Removes custom rules from the registry of available rules. Use the -p|--path parameter to specify one or more paths to remove. If you don’t specify any parameters, the command lists all valid custom paths but doesn’t remove any.


$ sfdx scanner:rule:remove [-f] [-p <array>] [--verbose] [--json]


  -f, --force		Bypass the confirmation prompt and immediately remove the rules
  -p, --path=path	One or more paths to remove
  --json      		Format output as json
  --verbose      	Emit additional command output to stdout


Run the command with no parameters to see a list of all currently registered custom paths.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:remove

Use the -p|--path parameter to specify the path or paths you want to remove from the registry. This example removes the rules defined in somerules.jar and myrules.xml, and all JARs/XMLs contained in the rules folder.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:remove --path "~/path/to/somerules.jar,~/path/to/category/apex/myrules.xml,~/path/to/folder/containing/rules"

By default, this command lists the rules that will be removed and prompts you for confirmation. Use the -f|--force flag to bypass that confirmation.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:remove --force --path "~/path/to/somerules.jar"


Remove Example

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