Managing Custom Rules

Managing Custom Rules

Different approaches for PMD and ESLint

Because PMD and ESLint are different engines, their custom rules are handled differently. PMD custom rules can be integrated and executed as part of the default rule set, but ESLint’s custom rules can’t be mixed with Salesforce Code Analyzer (Code Analyzer) default rules.

PMD Custom Rules

Add Rules

Use the scanner:rule:add command to add a custom rule to Salesforce Code Analyzer (Code Analyzer). Use the -p|--path parameter to specify the XML file containing your XPath-based rules, or the JAR containing your Java-based rules. You can specify multiple files to add multiple custom rules for a single language. You can also use the -p|--path parameter to specify a directory that contains multiple JAR/XML files.

To add one or more custom rules to multiple languages, use a separate scanner:rule:add for each language.

For example, to add a single JAR file for the Apex language:

sfdx scanner:rule:add --language apex --path "path/to/your/File.jar"
sfdx scanner:rule:add -l apex -p "path/to/your/File.jar"

To add a directory path that contains multiple JAR/XML files for the same language:

sfdx scanner:rule:add --language apex --path "path/to/your/files"
sfdx scanner:rule:add -l apex -p "path/to/your/files"

To add multiple paths to files that are in different locations for the same language:

sfdx scanner:rule:add --language apex --path "path/to/your/files,/another/path/Custom.jar,/yet/another/jar/lib"
sfdx scanner:rule:add -l apex -p "path/to/your/files,/another/path/Custom.jar,/yet/another/jar/lib"

The command output indicates which JAR files were found and added to Code Analyzer.

Run Rules

After you add your rules to Code Analyzer with scanner:rule:add, run scanner:rule:list to review your rule list. Your custom rules are displayed under the category names that you defined in your XML rule definition files, and they’re ready to use.

Remove Rules

Remove custom rules from the catalog with the scanner:rule:remove command. The rules defined in the JAR/XML file that you specify with the -p|--path parameter are removed from the catalog.

Use the --force parameter to bypass confirmation of the removal.

ESLint Custom Rules

Custom rules on ESLint are handled through Code Analyzer’s ESLint Custom Configuration.

Add Rules

You can add your custom rules to a custom .eslintrc.json file, follow these steps:

  1. Add your plug-in:
         "plugins": [
                 ... // Other required plugins
  2. Add your rules:
         "rules": {
                 "my-custom/my-new-rule": 1,
                 ... //Other rules
  3. Make sure that your directory has all the required npm dependencies, including ESLint, your custom rule plug-in, and any other applicable dependencies, such as parsers or processors.

Run rules

Execute the scanner:run command in the directory with all the necessary npm dependencies. For example:

$ sfdx scanner:run --eslintconfig "/path/to/my/.eslintrc.json" --target "/path/to/target"

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