Salesforce Code Analyzer Command Reference

Salesforce Code Analyzer Command Reference

sfdx scanner:rule:list

Lists all the rules available in the catalog. Filter the output to view a smaller set of rules. To get more information about a specific rule, use the scanner:rule:describe command.


  $ sfdx scanner:rule:list [-c <array>] [-r <array>] [-l <array>] [-e <array>] 
  [--verbose] [--json] [--loglevel 


  -c, --category=category
      categories to filter list by

  -e, --engine=engine
      engine(s) to filter list by

  -l, --language=language
      language(s) to filter list by

  -r, --ruleset=ruleset
      [deprecated] ruleset(s) to filter list by

      format output as json

      [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

      emit additional command output to stdout

Additional Notes

–ruleset option is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use –category instead.


To see all rules, run the command without any filters.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:list

When you specify multiple values for a single filter, the values are combined with a logical OR.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:list --language apex,javascript

When you specify multiple filters, they are combined with a logical AND. This example returns all rules that target Apex OR Javascript AND are members of the Braces OR Security rulesets.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:list --language apex,javascript --ruleset Braces,Security

When you negate a category, the category is excluded. This example returns all rules except those in the Design or Best Practices categories. The values must be enclosed in single quotes.

$ sfdx scanner:rule:list --category '!Design,!Best Practices'


List Example

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